There are 2 types of witchy homes. Those where everything is a little hidden and hushed away and the other where it’s like walking into the set of the Addams Family. And, whilst aesthetics are a wonderful way to get into the mood for a little witchiness, the true magic comes from you, and it is YOU that makes your home magical.

Generations ago, homes were the base of all magic and our ancestors would have created magical homes as part of their home-making and housework chores. Everything within the house, and outside in the house grounds, could and would be blessed and magically charged.

So…. how CAN you make your home magical? Read on my dear witches, I’ll show you all the tips of the trade 😉

Let’s start at the very beginning… the entrance to your home, your front door.

Front Door / Entrance Way

Exits and entrances are the portals to your home, so this includes all doors and windows. For your front door, you can pop a magical pouch of welcoming, yet protective, herbs to hang over your front door on the inside. As people come in the pouch creates a little entrance magic to both protect you against negative energy and also welcome your guests in. You can amplify this by popping some herbs of the same kind under your doormat both inside and outside of your house. Another thing you can do is to wipe down door knobs, door numbers etc. with a little spell oil. Make sure you cleanse (however you usually cleanse is fine, sage, herbal sticks, palo santo, incense sticks, aura sprays, magical washes, banging pots and pans and shouting at the negative energies to f*ck off or whatever 😉 ) your exits and entrances on a weekly basis too. This just keeps all your magical workings fresh as a magical daisy! Add witch bells to door handles (or any bell) so as they jingle and ring when the door opens, the bells refresh the vibrations in the room and help it feel a little lighter and more vibrant. An upright horseshoe (so it looks like a U) over your door is an old folkloric method to keep all the positive energy and good luck in your house too. Sprinkle salt across your threshold to create the final magical barrier for negative ninnies!


Windows are, along with doors, the other form of an exit and entrance, so are a good way to create some more magic in your home. First thing’s first, when you clean and cleanse (magically or mundane cleaning) make sure, if it is possible to do so, your windows are open. Get rid of the negative energy and dust and bring in the positive energy and fresh air. As with the doors, get your magical pouches up above the windows and wash down your window frames with spell oils or magical washes. If you feel so inclined you can even draw sigils on your windows just by breathing on the window and using your finger to draw the sigil (a simple pentacle will also do!) in the misted up area from your breath. Don’t forget to add your salt across the window sill too for the magical barrier.

The Kitchen

The traditional heart of the home. Where the term home and hearth comes from because your hearth would have been where you cooked. So why not recreate this by lighting a jar or pillar candle when you cook to represent the fire of the hearth. Also, as you add your herbs and spices to your cooking remember that even culinary herbs and spices have magical properties 😉 Why not label your culinary herbs in little jars, pots and tubs that state their name, what food they go with and also their magical properties. Also remember every drink you make has the potential to be a magical brew. You don’t need special ingredients, just use what you have and if you just have a mug of tea or coffee then use your intention to infuse your brew with your own magic.

The Lounge / Living Room

This is usually where most people spend their time, it can also be the busiest place in the house so make sure that you have a lot of positive enhancing items in there. Candles, oil burners, salt lamps, crystals, incense sticks and witch icons are all good ways to do this, but a simple bouquet of hand picked flowers, house plants, even some pebbles you have picked up from the beach on a happy sunny day, can all help bring positive vibes to your lounge. House plants not only release oxygen but also bring their own magical properties too, as do flowers. If you need to quickly change the mood of a room, especially the lounge, light a new candle or dot around a few tealights to bring a sense of peace and calm to the area. Use magical room spray or even just an incense stick to change the scent and therefore changing the mood. You can also tuck pentacles or magical pouches behind your TV, in drawers, inside ottomans too, if you do not want them on show but want the magic to still flow. Of course if you want them on show, that’s good too!

The Bathroom

Use the steam on your tiles and shower screens to create sigils as said in the windows section, make sure your close your toilet lid to stop positivity and money from being permanently flushed down the loo. Also have your toilet roll pulling over itself towards you (not under itself) as this is said to pull good luck to you. House plants that are good in humid conditions will thrive in a bathroom and give you a constant stream of magic as they bring their planty goodness to the room. Use skin safe herbs and salt in your bath to create a magical bath ritual and surround your bathroom in candles to provide a soft light. Magical baths can cleanse, invigorate, recharge and bless you and your body.

The Bedroom

Whether you live alone, with your kids or with your romantic partner, the bedroom is a place of love. Self love, family love and sensual love. Therefore this is a fantastic place for a love altar or working space. Using red and pink candles, roses or rose petals, an atomiser full of rose water which you can spray on your bed, on you and in the air and maybe even rose quartz. You can also make a sleep altar or working space to help you sleep and dream. Using lavender, patchouli, verbena and valerian around the room, light blue and light purple (lilac) candles, a dream diary etc. can all help to make your bedroom a sleepy haven. Last but not least, children’s rooms can be magical by adding glow sticks instead of candles, fairy lights, a magical night light (standard night light that has been blessed so that when it comes on it stops nightmares, monsters under the bed or anything else your child is scared about) and my own children’s absolute favourite when they were small… the sparkling candle! Now this needs you to do this so they don’t set the house on fire but… take a small spell candle and sprinkle ground cinnamon over the lit flame. The cinnamon will spark and crackle. Once you get the sparks and crackles you can let your children know that this is the magic starting so no harm will come to them over night and the sparkles will keep them safe.

Altar / Working Space / Shrine

A lot of us have altars or working spaces that are quite full. Full of plants, herbs, candles, incense holders, crystals, bits of wood, trinkets, pebbles, icons and ornaments, bits of bones and skulls etc. These all gather dust, incense ash, bits of dried petals and if you are anything like me, bits of bone that has cracked and fallen off (yes I really like bones and skulls!), so make sure that at least once a month you clean and cleanse your altar. It seems very obvious but I know so many witches who only clean their special sacred space maybe once a year… Your magic needs your energy to flow and your altar or working space is an extension of your energy, so keeping it clean and clear will help that magical energy to flow.

The Backdoor / Patio Doors

Treat exactly the same way as any exit and entrance.


Mirrors are deemed as portals, not only to the spirit world but also to our own souls. So why not bless your mirrors so that whoever looks in them gets a lovely positive confidence boost! You can also paint the back of your mirrors with sigils and/or pentacles to keep you safe. Also never put a lit candle in front of a mirror unless you know what you are doing as this can create spirit sightings in the mirror. Never put a photo facing inwards to a mirror unless you want to send back any energy to that person (usually negative).

Declutter & Throw Away

A messy home is a messy mind and if you have a messy mind, you’ll never be at your full magical potential because your mind will be full of other stuff! So get decluttering! Throw broken things away, donate or sell anything you haven’t used in a while. Remember, everything holds energy, including negative energy, so get decluttering!


Playing music in your home can change your mood in an instant. Whether you need dance music to energise you, soothing classical music to calm you, or witchy folk music to get you into the magical mood, get that music on!

Besom or Broom

The witch’s broom (also known as a besom) is not just there to give a witchy aesthetic and we certainly don’t fly on them, however they do have their magical uses. Sweeping your house with your besom after all your housework is done and then sweeping the dust and cobwebs out of your back door signifies a thorough magical clean has been done and the negative energies are gone. They also create thresholds all by themselves, witches jump over the broom when they get married and/or handfasted to symbolise jumping into their lives. They also symbolise fertility too. But when in the home, if your upright besom suddenly falls down, as the movie ‘Practical Magic’ rightfully states… it means that ‘company is coming’.

‘Invisible’ Sigils & Pentacles

A UV pen and light set is a fantastic way to cover your house in sigils and pentacles that are invisible to the naked eye unless you use a UV light. This means no matter what you do, and even if you do nothing else, you will have sigils and pentacles around your home that no one can see but are still keeping you protected and magically charged.

So there you go, lots of ways to make your home a little more magical. Enjoy!


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